SEVA: The selfless service

I bring you a story of just Dhirendra, but there are many noble souls there doing this for their own personal reasons, satisfaction, spirituality, kindness, and many reasons that leave me believing that there are few people who make a mark in our hearts with their deeds.

The Festival of Harela

We appreciate the knowledge that our ancestors left for us, that not only gives us means and reasons to celebrate but at the same time does something for everyone’s well-being, that will keep mother nature healthy and happy for the generations to come. These festivals have a deeper meaning, and not just the celebratory part, that brings out The Good Around Us!

Two little kittens – It takes one step

It is monsoon season in India, and this year, it is raining heavily, especially in Northern India. During the last week of June, our whole family was having a relaxing family time; sitting, talking, and drinking tea together. It is when my Grandma heard a sound. She asked if I also heard any strange sounds.

RECYCLE …. Let it live again!!!!

The work of the team is to visit these naturally beautiful places where people visit, clean the garbage, and make people aware of cleanliness, especially the option to Recycle the waste instead of putting them in the landfill.

Help from Gokuldham restores faith in humanity

I’ve observed that somehow somewhere life finds its way. This time Gokuldham emerged as an angel for the people living on the banks of River Ganga. There have been, are, and will always be people and organizations that help you restore faith in humanity and assures that it is not always about self, but selflessness as well.

Water for Strangers – relief from the scorching heat!

The people from the Sikh community and with help of other people, including children had put up a big stall serving cold water and Roohafza – an ethnic flavorful sweetener – to the people walking in the market. I was definitely up for it and took the advantage of the opportunity and cooled myself down…