Life’s Choices

It’s about faith, integrity, and character. Most of all, it’s about using your life to touch other people’s hearts in such a way that could have never occurred alone….

Community Health Nursing

We visited the village again after a few days and met with Amma curious to know how she feels now. She said after applying the gel she feels very relaxed. Amma didn’t stop showering her blessings on us and thanked us a lot for our service and efforts. A big Thank you came from her to all of us on our team. The treatment we do is absolutely free as this helps us learn, provides free service to the people who can’t afford and creates a win-win situation.

How I Helped Our Cow

Learning from this experience of my own, I am also able to help out other cows in our neighborhood. Some cows in my neighborhood also got LSD and I have shared my experience with my neighbors and it so far has been very helpful. Many neighbors have come by or stopped me to Thank me for my advice.

Time to beat the hunger

Their prices could barely cover the cost of the material in general. Sita Rasoi would get funding for their noble deed from the people who could give to the needy, like the rich people, or just someone who wanted to spread kindness.

Where there is a will, there is a way

Their little business took off and now, the couple is completely independent and very happy. They still are not in touch with their children and as they’ve made their lives beautiful on their own, they’ve given a very special message to the world.