I have a younger brother, his name is Ansh and he lives and works in Dehradun city. While returning home from Dehradun, a spot called Jassowala is on the way, there he saw a cow trying to stay afloat in a big canal, she had fallen in it. Nowadays, due to excessive rain, there is a lot of flooding and that area had become a bit swampy, due to which the cow must have got slipped into the water. There he stayed for a long time and it was not possible to leave that cow alone.
He quickly went to his friend’s house and asked for help and told him everything. Then he called his other friends and explained the situation and that a small truck will be needed to rescue the cow. Many of his friends reached there with a small truck and put a rope around the cow’s neck and got it out with the help of a small truck. The cow’s legs were hurt earlier, she probably had a lot of problems in the legs, due to which she could not get out of there on its own.

Everyone thought that the cow’s condition was not good and could not leave her like this, they put him in tempo and took it to a cowshed. This Gaushala is located on the Dehradun-Shimla bypass road near a village called Hinduwala.

In this cowshed, there were many more cows that were very helpless either lost or let go by the owners who could not keep them and typically leave them to wander off. People who own this cowshed give shelter to such animals, and they ended up keeping those cows in their cowshed.

Many animal lovers are working hard and trying to save and shelter these abandoned animals. It is good to help but it is even better to help those who are helpless. All of them helped that cow even though they had to leave their work, it is a great appreciation for their ability.
This cow is now recovering well and definitely Ansh feels really happy that he could save a life!