Guru Nanak Dev Ji 553 birth anniversary Gurudwara trip

The gift of blood is a gift to someone’s life!!!!

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As we all know, like every time, this time also the birth anniversary of Guru Nanak ji was celebrated with great pomp and show. There is a lot of crowd in every Gurudwara in the country on that day, and Sikh people offer a lot of donations in the Gurudwara. The Sikh community is known to be very rich in their heart. In 2022, Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birth anniversary was celebrated on November 8th, the 553rd birth anniversary of Nanak Ji. This time, I also went to my nearest Gurudwara in Herbertpur with my friends. There was a huge crowd there, people had come from far and wide. Today’s story is about a feeling that I got and sensed when I became a small part of a day when there was kindness all around, and I can tell that it was great!

When we went to the playground area of the temple, I saw some medical vans standing there, the first thought that came to mind was that there must be some sort of emergency that these wonderful first responders are responding to. As we went there to see, we saw that people were donating their blood and it was a blood donation drive on an auspicious day or Guru Nanak Ji’s birth anniversary. Just out of curiosity, I asked someone coming out of the van why they decided to donate blood. This gentleman told me, that it is not only a good thing to donate your blood as this blood is used in emergencies, but also it is healthy for your own body as well to donate blood once in a while. There was a satisfaction on this gentleman’s face as he walked out of the blood donation camp, it felt good just to watch him come out too and while I wasn’t ready that day to donate blood, it did motivate me to be ready for the next drive that I come across.

Blood is one of those priceless gifts one can give to another where it can essentially prevent a person from losing their life. Many times due to accidents or any other serious ailments, a person might require blood. During such emergencies, when someone needs blood, people who step up to donate their blood are real-life superheroes. As an added incentive, the blood banks also allow expedited blood purchases for those who have donated blood.

This blood was going to be donated to the hospital where families could not afford to purchase it as the cost can run very high depending upon the supply. Helping a stranger, to whom we even don’t know a bit, by donating your blood is humanity. We hear in the daily news, and we hear around us that accidents have happened, and there are many problems. When we need blood, then this blood is available for use. Many people donate their blood, nothing ever becomes small by giving something to someone, irrespective of religion.

Thank you for your time and I hope you will get inspired by this story and take an action when someone needs blood, or next time there is a blood donation drive within your reach, you’ll be willing to contribute.