Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine

Saba also introduced herself and mentioned that she was very young when her parents died prematurely and now she lives with her relatives. She has completed her schooling and aspires to not depend on anyone anymore as she is a grown-up.

They needed help to survive, and we helped, Power of coming together

There were some other problems that we faced, but the families in our community didn’t give up, and even after facing all the difficulties we successfully provided food and shelter to the dogs.

Good deeds always payback

Manju has always been very afraid of dogs because once a dog in her childhood bit her, she never kept any animal in her house. Read more to know how her good deed took away fear for dogs.

United We’re Powerful Than Whatever May Come

It took a while, but eventually, the bullying stopped. The girl started to come out of her shell, and we as a group became even closer.

The Women Power

Never get worried about failure, always work for success. Don’t let your confidence accept the failure way, you don’t compare yourself with others because God makes you precious.

The Iron Lady of Mountain – Kamala Negi

This is a story of a lady who is recently seen in a viral video fixing tires. She is called ‘Iron Lady of Mountain’ and her name is Kamala Negi. She has become an example for everyone. A trade that men usually do, is something this iron lady is getting her hands on and doing it well since 2004, she fixes punctured tyres of all kinds of vehicles.

Helped strangers goat deliver babies!

Her excitement got even more when she heard of what happened with her uncle. On the night of the wedding, when everyone was having fun, her uncle was on his way to the wedding venue. Along the way to the venue, there was a cow shed outside of one house where they have raised some goats and cows.