In India, Swachchta Pakhwada is celebrated from September 17th to October 2nd this year. During this time, various municipalities of the country launch their own awareness campaigns. These municipalities share knowledge and make people aware of how best to keep places neat and clean.
The drive I am going to talk about took place in my home town Herbertpur, Dehradun. A gentleman, one of my known, Mr. Sachin Kumar Singh told me that Nagarpalika Herbertpur (the local municipality) has taken out this drive. Nearby schools also showed interest and joined the campaign. Students from Raajakeey Praathamik Vidyaalay (Government Primary School) and Government Inter College were very excited about joining the rally. Students held banners and they were saying slogans. Nagarpalika Herbertpur employees and school teachers of G.I.C. and Primary School led the rally.
Locals and people along the way were being so supportive of this campaign. Also, all the people who attended rallies did sanitation work at their respective places. Messages for keeping cleanliness were being passed to people. Suggestions were given to keep wet waste and dry waste separately which makes the recycling process of waste easier.
Some of the slogans were:
स्वच्छ भारत, सुंदर भारत। (Clean India, Beautiful India)
कूड़े का हुआ समाधान,
हरा नीला कूड़ादान । (Solution to keeping the waste contained is the trash bin!)
Mr. Sachin Kumar Singh told that some people in the nearby areas have started keeping their wet waste and dry waste separately which is a very good thing. This will assist municipalities and make their task of sorting easier. Some parts of the dry waste can also be recycled, hence it does not end up in the landfill and can be put to good use.
These kinds of activities are needed to spread awareness among people about cleanliness. Everyone who was part of this rally is appreciable. Participation of the public is essential to keep the planet clean and healthy, especially anything that can be recycled must be separated out and reused.
You can also watch a glimpse of the rally in this video, click here. This article shows the engagement of the community members in a cleanliness drive, whether these are schools, colleges, or even people who were motivated to start separating the dry waste from the wet waste.